The share

Volati's ordinary share and preference share have been traded on Nasdaq Stockholm since November 30, 2016 under the short names "VOLO" and "VOLO PREF" respectively.

Share graph (VOLO)

Share graph (VOLO PREF)

Dividend graph

Please click on each dividend type in order to present the figures in the table above.

Dividend policy

Volati’s target for ordinary shares is to distribute 10-30 percent of the Group’s net profit attributable to the Parent Company’s shareholders. When determining dividends, net debt in relation to the Company’s targets is taken into account, together with future acquisition opportunities, scope for development in existing companies and other factors that Volati’s Board considers significant. Dividends on preference shares are issued at an annual amount of SEK 40.00 per preference share, in quarterly payments of SEK 10.00, in accordance with the Articles of Association.

Dividend table

List of owners

Owner’s distribution

Owners per country

Share calculator

Share table



Sustainability is an important building block in Volati’s ambition to create long-term value over time.

Annual report 2023

2023 marks Volati’s 20th anniversary.

Interim report Q2

Volati presents Interim report January–June 2024.

Annual report

Read about Volati’s world in our annual report

In the annual report, you can read more about Volati's value-creating business model and how we work long-term with organic development through a focus on competence and leadership. In total, we completed fiveacquisitions in 2023, which together added over SEK 600 million in annual revenue and strengthen our existing platforms through positive synergies.

Andreas Stenbäck, CEO Volati.

Read more